Mon, 26 May 2014
Direct download: KEITH_THOMPSON_2014_WYPL_BOOK_TALK.mp3
Category:Arts - Literature -- posted at: 11:02am EST
Thu, 22 May 2014
Direct download: GREG_ILES_2014_WYPL_BOOK_TALK.mp3
Category:Arts - Literature -- posted at: 11:28am EST
Sun, 11 May 2014
Mon, 5 May 2014
(photo copyright: Carrefour, Ltd., 2014)
Ace Atkins is an Edgar-nominated writer known for his incredible historical true-crime novels, his current Quinn Colson series about an Army Ranger who returns home to become a sheriff in north Mississippi, and he has also written the last three books in the Robert B. Parker's Spenser series. The newest of which is entitled Cheap Shot and is available from Putnam.
Direct download: ACE_ATKINS_2014_WYPL_BOOK_TALK.mp3
Category:Arts - Literature -- posted at: 6:00pm EST