Stephen Usery interviews authors of mysteries, thrillers, and crime fiction.

Reed Farrel Coleman is probably best known for his long-running Moe Prager series which he ended in 2014 after nine installments. He has also carried on Robert B. Parker's Jessie Stone series, with his fourth contribution coming out in September 2017. But today we'll be talking about his new series featuring retired long island beat cop, Gus Murphy. The first book in the series Where It Hurts was published in 2016 and is a finalist for the 2017 Edgar Award for best novel. The second title has just been published by G.P. Putnam Sons, and it's called What You Break.

Direct download: REED_FARREL_COLEMAN_2017_WYPL_BOOK_TALK.mp3
Category:Arts - Literature -- posted at: 6:30pm EST


(photo: Christine Jean Chambers)

Chanelle Benz's short stories have appeared in Guernica,,  The American Reader, and The Cupboard, and she has received an O. Henry Prize. In this edition of Book Talk, we will be talking about her debut collection of stories, The Man Who Shot Out My Eye Is Dead, which is published by Ecco/Harper Collins.

Direct download: CHANELLE_BENZ_2017_WYPL_BOOK_TALK.mp3
Category:Arts - Literature -- posted at: 12:00pm EST