Stephen Usery interviews authors of mysteries, thrillers, and crime fiction.

Carrie Bebris is the author of the seven book series of mystery novels starring Elizabeth and Mister Darcy from Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, the newest of which is The Suspicion at Sanditon, set in the world of Sanditon, the unfinished novel Austen had had worked on just prior to her death.

Direct download: CARRIE_BEBRIS_2015_WYPL_BOOK_TALK.mp3
Category:Arts - Literature -- posted at: 2:00pm EST


The Honorable Martin Clark is a circuit court judge from the Commonwealth of Virginia, but we'll only be talking about the law as it is in the confines of his fourth novel, The Jezebel Remedy, which is published by Knopf.

Direct download: MARTIN_CLARK_2015_WYPL_BOOK_TALK.mp3
Category:Arts - Literature -- posted at: 12:00pm EST